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Thursday, February 13, 2025
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TikTok: There Is a Chemical Assault on Your Brain

The powerful link between pollution and Alzheimer's disease

TikTok: There Is a Chemical Assault on Your Brain

“Bad news: Air pollution might literally cause Alzheimer's disease … I know this probably sounds fake, but I’m a neuroscientist. Let me show you."

“Bad news: Air Pollution might literally cause {#Alzheimer-Apos-s_Disease#} … I know this probably sounds fake, but I’m a neuroscientist. Let me show you."

Earlier this year, a paper came out where they did brain scans on 640 people across Korea. Then they mapped everyone’s brain to their home address and compared them based on the level of air pollution where they live.

The people who were exposed to more pollution not only did worse on cognitive tests, but also, the outer layer of their brain, the cortex, was thinner. Generally, this means that brain cells are dying.

We see the same thing in {#Alzheimer-Apos-s#}, which you can see here, the outer layer looks sort of deflated because it’s thinner.

Now you might be thinking: correlation does not equal causation, and you’re right to think that. But, there is a lot more evidence. A meta-analysis including over 2.4 million people found that long-term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of Dementia.

And, studies in mice have shown that air pollution can trigger brain inflammation and enhance the buildup of plaques.

The way we treat our planet affects us all, and it’s concerning at least for me to imagine a future where we’re basically all guaranteed to get Dementia because the planet is so polluted. It’s something we should be taking seriously. So, in the meantime, it’s a good reason to avoid highly polluted areas. We can make ourselves more resilient through diet, exercise and stress management. We can also protect ourselves by making a cleaner external environment.

I don’t mean to scare you, just sharing the current neuroscience that you might not have heard about, so thank you for your time, and please follow for more.

Ben Rein PhD, is a Stanford-trained neuroscientist who worked in Robert Malenka’s lab. He currently serves as the Chief Science Officer of the Mind Science Foundation.
Source: Ben Rein PhD

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